expression is one of those words that we throw around a lot without thinking of the meaning. especially in the world of photography, we photographers will note a nice expression, or maybe even go as far to say that the subject of our images happens to be expressive. but expression is more than just how someone happens to “look”– it’s much deeper. perhaps you could say that expression is an outward sign of a true and natural feeling that comes from within.
on the day of their wedding Nick and Shayna wore the most amazing and beautiful expressions because the feelings they felt were so natural and so real.. that those emotions couldn’t help but bubble to the surface. their smiles, their laughs, and even their quiet moments of intimacy were all signs of two souls in love.
married this fall at Hotel du Village in New Hope, Shayna and Nick embodied a love that was unhidden and unfettered. they let it show to the world and wore their hearts on their sleeves– fearless and beautiful love.